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  • JOIN | pandulaut

    Marine Scout Member Form Because we need the sea Full name Nickname Date of birth Address E-mail Mobile phone number Gender : Boy / Male Female / Male Other Your age : < 18 Years 19 - 30 Years 30 - 45 Years 45 - 60 Years > 60 Years Current job: student Student Civil Servant / BUMN Private sector employee Businessman Other Did you register as: Staff Member Volunteer Activities Skills you can offer: (Optional) Attach Brief Biodata + Photo Max File Size 15MB Submit

  • Cerita Laut | pandulaut

    No posts published in this language yet Stay tuned...

  • Ocean Action | pandulaut

    AKSI LAUT Kegiatan dan Aksi jaringan Pandu Laut Nusantara diseluruh Indonesia. MENGHADAP LAUT 1.0 18 August 2018, simultaneously throughout Indonesia and involving nearly 50,000 volunteers in more than 120 locations throughout Indonesia. MENGHADAP LAUT 2.0 August 19, 2019, simultaneously throughout Indonesia. Involving more than 60,000 volunteers in more than 120 locations throughout Indonesia. OCEAN CLEAN UP Will be with the community of several major cities to carry out beach and sea cleanup actions. MONSTER PLASTIK Presenting a plastic monster icon in Jakarta to remind the public that plastic is the monster of the future . KONSERVASI MANGROVE Ibu Susi dan Pandu Laut Nusantara Menanam 5000 Bibit Bakau di Muara Cileutik, Pangandaran. ​ PELEPASLIARAN SIDAT Berdasarkan 80/KEPMEN-KP/2020 Ikan Sidat berstatus Perlindungan Terbatas. Pelestarian Ikan Sidat dilakukan oleh Ibu Susi dan Pandu Laut Nusantara. ​ PELEPASLIARAN BELANGKAS Pelestarian Belangkas dilakukan oleh Ibu Susi dan Pandu Laut Nusantara untuk Meminimalisir Kepunahan. Belangkas merupakan hewan dilindungi yang diatur dalam Peraturan LHK P.20/MENLHK/SETJEN/KUM/1/6/2018. ​


    Pandu Laut Nusantara menjaga dan merawat lautan kita agar senantiasa kaya, sehat, dan berlimpah seperti dulu. Pandu Laut Nusantara berupaya menjadikan lautan kita terus diperhatikan dan lebih beragam serta berlimpah dengan memenangkan kebijakan di Indonesia yang mengatur keseluruhan kehidupan laut Indonesia. ​ Pandu Laut Nusantara didirikan pada tahun 2018, adalah gerakan kolektif independen dan tidak bertentangan dengan Pancasila dan UUD 1945. Tidak berafiliasi dengan partai politik tertentu, suku dan kepercayaan tertentu, serta terbuka bagi seluruh lapisan masyarakat berbasis kesukarelawanan yang memiliki kesadaran bersama untuk menjaga dan merawat laut Indonesia. ​ Laut adalah masa depan bangsa. Dua pertiga dari wilayah Tanah Air kita. Lautan menutupi 70 persen wilayah Indonesia, dan bagi kita sama pentingnya dengan luasnya. Ribuan jenis ikan dan biota laut hidup di perairan Indonesia. Dari ikan lokal hingga yang sudah langka. Lautan menyediakan mata pencaharian bagi nelayan Indonesia. Laut Indonesia memberi makan jutaan orang dan memiliki kapasitas untuk menyediakan makanan laut yang sehat setiap harinya. Melimpahnya sumber daya laut ini jadi pedang bermata dua. Mendatangkan berkah namun bisa juga petaka. Hasil perikanan Indonesia menggoda di mata dunia. Adalah tugas kita bersama buat menjaganya. Merawat laut berarti menjaga sumber daya untuk anak cucu kita.Pandu Laut Nusantara didedikasikan untuk merawat, menjaga serta memulihkan lautan Indonesia. KE LAUT AJA The sea is not a bad place. The sea is not a trash can. # just cool! EDUCATION & CONSERVATION Do not know, then do not love Education about the ins and outs of the sea so that we will know more about the importance of the role of the sea for human life, not only for Indonesian people but also for the world. The name of this article is: It is important to know about the sea, so that we can protect and care for it. ADVOCACY AND CAMPAIGNS Make a difference. Act now! Become an agent of environmental change to defend the sea and stand at the forefront to care for its sustainability. You are all ambassadors of the ocean's struggle to be free from litter, destruction and overexploitation. Blues In Blue Ocean is dying. What will we do? Our sea is crying. It's full of trash. Ignorant hands spoil. And those who are not responsible for dredging it up. Listen it crying. Come closer and embrace the sea. Let's be together in sea harmony.

  • Konservasi Laut | Pandu Laut

    PANDU LAUT NUSANTARA Because the sea needs us and we need the sea. Together to protect the archipelago sea Guard the Ocean For The Future Declaration in Jakarta, July 15 2018. PANDU LAUT NUSANTARA is an independent collective movement and does not conflict with Pancasila and the 1945 Constitution. It is not affiliated with certain political parties, certain ethnicities and beliefs, and is open to all levels of society based on volunteerism who have a common awareness to maintain and take care of the Indonesian sea. ​ The initiators of this movement were Mrs. Susi Pudjiastuti , as a maritime figure, along with environmental activists and community leaders: Bramantyo S. Purwadi, Kaka Slank, Ridho Hafiedz, Ony Serojawati, Bustar Maitar and Aprika Rani, in Pangandaran on April 1, 2018. ​ Organizational Purpose : Fostering a movement to love the sea and care for the sea. Efforts to protect and protect the sea from various threats. The form of concrete action to care for the preservation of the sea and everything in it for the future. ​ PANDU LAUT NUSANTARA is committed to working on Marine Conservation through: Education Campaign ​ Kami Pandu Laut Nusantara Susi Pudjiastuti Pendiri & CEO Pandu Laut Nusantara Widodo Wakil Ketua Umum Pandu Laut Nusantara Mas Achmad Santosa Sekretaris Umum Pandu Laut Nusantara Suhana Wakil Sekretaris Umum Pandu Laut Nusantara Dewan Pendiri Kaka Bustar Ridho Brahmantya Prita Ony Rani Mayang Agustin Kesekretariatan Pandu Laut Nusantara

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